Daily Mail: Spacey Unmasked review – A disturbing portrayal of how Kevin Spacey turned his charisma on and off like a spotlight

Kevin Spacey‘s brother is called Randy. Given the litany of appalling sexual allegations levelled against the House of Cards star, this seems almost too aptly Freudian.

Randy favours a flamboyant style, with gold-rimmed specs, a blue frock coat, kipper tie, touch of lipstick and a Rod Stewart hairdo. The get-up is self-defence, he says, a cloak of confidence against the lifelong trauma inflicted by his childhood.

His father, a neo-Nazi who festooned the family home with swastikas, used to beat him with a riding crop, and worse. The family photo album revealed a gaunt-faced man with dead eyes – and a toothbrush moustache.

This jaw-dropping bit of background bio was just one of a series of insights in Spacey Unmasked (C4) that delivered much more psychological grist than the usual exposé documentaries.

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