Financial Times: Spacey Unmasked — Channel 4 documentary presents new sexual misconduct allegations from 10 men

Kevin Spacey, who has twice been cleared of similar charges, faces another civil trial next year

In 1996, Kevin Spacey won his first Oscar for The Usual Suspects, a film in which he played a man who ingeniously hides his sinister true identity. Two decades later, the feted actor found himself accused of having done the same in his personal life.

Since 2017, dozens of men have come forward with allegations that Spacey sexually harassed or assaulted them in incidents spanning five decades. The 64-year-old actor continues to deny all these claims. In 2022, he was cleared of sexually assaulting actor Anthony Rapp at a party in 1986 after a jury dismissed a US civil lawsuit, and last year he was cleared of nine criminal charges brought against him in the UK. Another civil trial in the UK is set to take place next year after another anonymised individual has sued Spacey over claims of sexual assault that resulted in “psychiatric damage and other financial loss”.  

News of the new allegations comes after a number of other men have shared their experiences and allegations in a raw, unsensational new two-part documentary on Channel 4. Spacey Unmasked presents a disquieting portrait of the actor as an alleged serial sexual predator through hitherto unheard testimonies.

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